Welcome back, hope all is well. Unfortunately for this week there hasn’t been anything major as of yet in the political world regarding Michigans 8th congressional district election. In other news rep. Dan Kildee democratic nominee for the Michigans 8th district has announced a new Federal funding for economic development initiative at UM- Flint. a quote from representative Kildee regarding the fund and what he hopes the fund can do for the future economy of Michigan, “I am proud to announce this federal grant to help the University of Michigan continue their important work supporting our economy and helping to train our workforce,” said Congressman Kildee. “In Congress, I will continue working to bring federal resources back home to help grow mid-Michigan’s economy.” He seems like a decent guy.
I want to shift gears back to the election. We know with every election year comes chaos but must importantly it opens up a whirlwind of campaigning. and in order to campaign candidates need money and I mean money money. So, they enlist a lot of regular citizens like you and me to donate to them. Using ads and propaganda to sway us into giving our Money to them. If im completely honest with you I have not and will not donate any money to any candidate not even god himself. I donate with my vote and if that’s not enough? pray to god. but all jokes aside its crazy that they expect donations from average citizens must of whom work minimum wage jobs. And don’t get me wrong they hustle up a lot of money during these campaign and election seasons maybe I need to come up with an excuse to get free donations. I would never lol. I wonder if some people just run for the money. Like do they donate the remanding balance? someone please let me know. or do they keep it and cash out on a new Tesla.
Has anybody ever did thorough research about how much money they receive and spend during election year? I definitely had not prior to this lol. I honestly just knew they needed a lot of money. my biggest question is did Micheal Bloomberg accept donations from common people? BRB Im going to investigate this lol. And im back so, I found out that Bloomberg did have donations from common people for a total of $914,487.06 that’s a lot of money people donate to a rich man who spent billions into his campaign just to lose. I feel like he could’ve spent his time doing something better. maybe building a mega yacht like Bezos or I don’t know retiring. I hope y’all don’t shun me to death. but he literally made it rain (figuratively that is) all because of him the total spending in the presidential primary on behalf of all candidates had exceed $1 billion by February. Talk about free money lol
Honestly I still do have questions about donations, campaign fundings and how these funds are later spent. Do they use Pacs? public funding? super pacs? and most importantly, their roles in funding a candidate.
With these questions in mind sorry sir (really not ) im going to be looking into Michigans 8th districts own Dan Kildee’s Funding for the 2022 midterms. Kildee looks to have raised a total of $3,355,350.81, spending $ 1,273,579.97 as of coverage from July 13, 2022. for the 2022 election kildee got a total of $1,489,876 in PAC money. PACs are private groups organized to elect political candidates. To break this down further its split into three groups: business, Ideological and, Labor. His biggest PAC donation came from businesses this alone makes up $1,063,890 of his PAC donations. he made a total of $1,570,675 in contributions, his major contribution being from Rock Holdings which operates as a holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, provides mortgage lending services. although they were not directly contributed to him from the company but through individual contributions totaling $12,100 and PACs totaling $10,000.
Now the question is out of the total amount in funds he received $3,355,350.81 he spent $1,273,579.97. What did he spend that million on? I haven’t really seen any campaigns from him since before the primaries. where he approved a message about big Pharma funding ads to run a smear campaign about him wanting to lower the costs of pharmacy drugs. Nothing really in the media like ads that has personally came from him and where he spoke. But I do know how he spent the funding believe it or not he spent 51.57% of his total spendings on media, fundraising 23.10%, Strategy & Research 8.95%, Administrative 7.09%. to further break this down after further research I have found that Kildee his distribution spending on operating expenditures. which means items such as rent, overhead, administration, personnel, equipment, travel, advertising and fundraising.
I do want to point out real quick that people don’t take these midterms seriously its reflected in the voting and I want everybody to understand how big these midterms are. lets forget about the funding and campaigns for a minute and actually understand that we ask for change and yet we keep the same people who is not giving it to us or better yet try and work with us for a solution in office by not exercising our right to vote. we cry about the fact that in some states felons can not vote but we don’t exercise this right in the midterm elections, to me these are more important then the presidential election. these elections great affect us, so get out there and vote. You don’t like a representative, any of there ideologies get out and vote but most importantly research these people. Research is fundamental no matter what. you have to know what they stand for, who gets benefitted who doesn’t, sometimes a compromise is always best remember that.
Back to the money. I say this in a kind way the Representatives are the hated members of congress ever. its hard to get donations from people, pacs, super pacs and party endorsements ever. but to have to campaign for months then get elected have just two years in office and have to campaign again after that is hard. Especially because they would have to raise more money and times are hard well not for the rich but still. you have to have a name for yourself at least in the political world and in the regular world in order to actually get the endorsements and money donations. In Michigans 8th congressional district Kildee is the only nominee to exceed three million dollars in donations. Republican Nominee Paul Junge has raised one- point- four million in total donations and has spent more than eight hundred thousand of that. its basically chump change for a political candidate.
So if any of you readers out there who want to run for office please don’t be a nobody because unfortunately for nobodies, well, some you don’t get the money or endorsements. and just to say this real quick it don’t look like Junge is winning this year either in the midterms. he’s acting like someone who don’t know how the economy run nor politics. I mean I get its a ploy but blaming Kildee and Biden for inflation is insane, I guess everything and everyone in politics is actually insane.
Shout out to AOC I see you more on instagram, twitter, the news more than my nominee. Talk about marketing, is she ever runs for president she might actually make it farther than Harris and Warren. okay enough of the bad jokes.
To answer the question I posed before what are PACs roles in funding a candidate to me PACs play a big role in campaigning season especially super pacs. super pacs are PACs that can collect unlimited amounts of donations as a consequence of a 2010 Supreme Court decision, Citizens United v. FEC. they don’t have a restriction on how much money gets donated to one candidate and for a representative nominee the more money the better. not to mention a lot of these pacs are organizations like planned parenthood whom a lot of potential voters may also be swayed into donating or supporting you if organizations and memberships that share their same ideologies, and beliefs support or donate or it might cause the opposite affect. but they still will work to the advantage of that candidate.